fDi Intelligence - Guy Douetil on Energy Independence Boosts Lithuania’s FDI Appeal

Hickey and associate, fdi appeal, energy supply, site selection

European Energy Supply fDi Intelligence - Guy Douetil

fDi Intelligence journal released an article regarding how “Lithuania is hoping to leverage its energy security to attract foreign companies as concerns over the EU dependence on Russian gas have intensified since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.” that features a quote from Guy Douetil, Hickey and Associates Managning Director for Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

“Companies with energy intensive operations are looking more closely at energy resilience. One of the outcomes of this will be speeding up towards renewables. Countries cannot and will not allow themselves to be beholden to the level of risk of another country turning off their gas tap.”

Guy Douetil

To read the full article and see how Guy’s clients are avoiding the risk presented by dependence on Russian gas go to fDi Intelligence Journal or click on the link below.

Energy independence boosts Lithuania’s FDI appeal | fDi Intelligence – Your source for foreign direct investment information - fDiIntelligence.com

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