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Winning the "War for Talent" in a Tight Labour Market

From the availability of talent, to where talent actually wants to be, is a concern. People are reluctant to go back to the office despite being encouraged by their company's. We will see this normal out over a period of time, but we will not being using offices like we did before. The opportunity to reengage with your workforce is now!

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European Labour Market Update

The office sector has experienced massive disruptions in labour availability. Unemployment levels are back down to pre covid numbers and job postings are at record highs. Wage inflation is up across Europe, not just in London. All of this is leading companies are carefully considering where to put their locations.

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How has the pandemic impacted site selection?

From a location strategy standpoint, the pandemic has changed things in many dramatic ways. Normalizing key data in cities around the world for comparison is critical now and in the future.

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EU State Aid and Incentives Update

As the EU and individual countries attempt to counteract the devastating economic consequence of Covid, they have developed a unique set of new programs. Managing Director, EMEA, Guy Douetil provides a brief summary of what companies need to do.

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