Pro-investors approach: one of the most successful countries in FDI attraction
Hungary Investment Incentives
R&D, job creation, & CAPEX: The incentives can be offered in the form of tax benefits and cash grants. The composition and the amount of incentives depend on the size and the quality of the project and can be negotiated. The incentive process is coordinated by Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA). In order to secure the incentives the investor will need to commit to CAPEX, employment, turnover, and wage levels.
Cash grants for asset investments are available for projects larger than 10 MEUR in the case of more developed counties and larger than 5 MEUR in the case of preferred counties. Cash grants for service centers (employment) are available for projects creating at least 50 jobs.
Development tax allowance provides investors with 80% CIT relief and is available for investments larger than 9 MEUR in the case of non-preferred regions and larger than 3 MEUR in the case of preferred regions.
Training: Investments in business services that create at least 25 new jobs or an investment of at least EUR 5 mn may be eligible for a training subsidy that can cover up to 50% of training costs (maximally EUR 5,000 per trainee, up to EUR 2 mn per undertaking).
Overview: Hungary has two Regional Aid intensities (see the map) of 30 and 50%. This effectively means that for projects larger than 100 MEUR the EU notification thresholds are respectively 22.5 MEUR and 37.5 MEUR. Regional aid is not available in Budapest.
Hungary offers three main categories of incentives: incentives for investments based on regional aid, incentives for training, and incentives for R&D.
Capital: Budapest
Surface area: 93,030 km²
Population: 9.7 mil
Unemployment: 3.4%
Currency: Hungarian forint (= EUR 0.002)
GDP growth: 4.9%
FDI net inflow (% of GDP) in 2021: 16.1%
Prospective sectors: Automotive, e-mobility, shared services, electronics, ICT, food, life sciences, logistics, med-tech
Worth Knowing: It is the fourth largest CEE country in terms of population and one of the most successful in FDI attraction in recent years (second largest FDI stock to GDP in CEE). The increased inflow of investments can be linked to reducing the CIT rate to the lowest level in Europe of 9% in 2017. It is the only country in Europe (besides Germany) to host factories of three main German premium automakers (Audi, BMW, Mercedes). In addition to a strong traditional automotive sector Hungary has been very successful in attracting the EV battery industry and in 2022 had the largest battery output in Europe.