U.S. Credits & Incentives Update – Spring 2021
Hickey & Associates (Hickey), the global site selection and incentives advisory leader, released their latest report on the evolving environment of credits and incentives across the dynamic United States landscape. The new edition, the U.S. Credits & Incentives Update – Spring 2021 Report, provides analysis and insights on the critical trends, legislative changes, policy shifts, and proposed regulations around the nation’s state capitals and local communities.
As the nation emerges from the pandemic over the past year, states and communities are anxious for recovery and a return to where they were before. In doing so, many government officials and economic development leaders are shifting their approaches to retain and recruit business.
In the new report, the Hickey Location Analytics & Incentives Research team take an in-depth review and analysis of the policy shifts and legislative changes across the country in recent months, including the unprecedented funding and relief efforts from the federal government.
As the nation recovers and looks toward the future, the mission of economic development will remain steadfast to retain businesses and jobs. while driving new investment for their communities. The trends of transparency, efficacy, and return on taxpayer investment has also continued forward . Meanwhile, we will see shifts to a vision that is more inclusive, sustainable, and dynamic to meet the bespoke needs of the community.
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Hickey 2021 Spring U.S. Credits & Incentives Update